8 495 281 40 91 Москва
8 800 333 82 05 Бесплатно по РФ

Certification of workplaces

According to the Requirements of Art. 212 of the Labour Code of the RF "...the employer is obliged to provide certification of workplaces. To prevent and minimize risks of industrial traumas, and also progression of occupational diseases certification of workplaces should be carried out before the beginning of industrial or other activity of the organization..". And further, according to the Regulation "On carrying out of certification of workplaces" -"...should be carried out at the enterprise not less often than 1 time to 5 years.".

Structure of works:

Company EcoStandard Group carries out a full spectrum of works connected with labour safety at the enterprise and certification of workplaces on working conditions which includes:

1. Preparation for certification of workplaces at the enterprise

2. Drawing up of the list of workplaces which are subject to certification and revealing of hazard and harmful factors
It is supposed to make assessment of hazard and harmful factors on the basis of the data received from certification of 20 % similar workplaces.

3. Carrying out of laboratory researches and expert estimations
All researches are carried out in the accredited laboratory of EcoStandard Group

4. Preparation of a complete set of reporting documentation including:

5. Preparation of closing documentation
According to the current legislation charges of the organization on certification of workplaces could be financed at the expense of the part (20 %) of insurance payments for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational illnesses paid by this organization to the Social Insurance Fund of the RF last year.

If necessary the Company experts are ready to help with preparation of a set of documents.

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